This site is NOT about large-crew traditional Film and Broadcast TV production techniques but rather follows guerrilla style filming production methods utilizing a small journalistic PRESS team made up of cameraman and field reporter real time capturing an Action Sports story LIVE!
Whether your producing a cool video for the web or a show for broadcast TV our experience in making 60 XCORPS air episodes might come in handy for your production!
There are many TV production formats available for producing professional looking Action Sports TV content. Most scripted or commercial methods are BIG slow and expensive and work great if the budget is there but there is NO guarantee on the end product… a BAD script and you have a BAD show! Shooting REALITY especially a JOURNALISTC reality format puts the odds in your favor for producing some exciting audience pleasing TV!
A TV show format that follows this journalistic direction offers advantages that go beyond the obvious ‘Reality Show’ popularity – yes you DO have to pay attention to TV ratings – but shooting under the journalistic pen and camera makes for very compelling REALITY video!
More on the advantages of structuring a show journalistically on future posts.
This site will be using the Action Sports and Music TV show XCORPS as an example of Guerrilla Team Journalism. This show format involves on camera reporters that not only report on Action Sports and Motorsports but actively participate in the sporting events they are reporting on. This X TEAM method has many advantages of fast production often resulting in exciting video!
The XCORPS TV format includes an X TEAM originally made up of Roslyn Bradle, Jason Lazo, Bob Woodard and Eric Ducharme. As TV seasons progressed BASE jumper Ray Murphy, X Games winner Rat Sult and the very fun Crystal Fambrini joined the adrenaline reporting team!
Xcorps TV productions also produces a MOTORSPORTS show called ‘Xcorps SweetRides’ hosted by Scott Sommers.
Casting your ON CAMERA TALENT is an important aspect of the show and along with the MUSIC element makes for a BIG part of your show personality! You MUST choose and cast for talented reporters who are not only camera friendly but ATHLETICALLY skilled! Xcorps reporters for example hold X GAMES Gold in eXtreme sports and are ready to take on ANY EXTREME story!

So please JOIN US here on the XCORPS on an eXtreme journey through all 60 current episodes by eXample using show PRESS gif animations as well as VIDEO links to illustrate segments! I will be talking about production details and behind the scenes stories not on ANY OTHER Xcorps website of which there are MANY! This site is all about TV production techniques that you can afford and if you have the time to make miracles happen maybe you can see your show on TV!
See the Action Hear The Music Join The Xcorps!
Stay Tuned!
Stu Edmondson
executive producer
Xcorps TV
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