Xcorps Action Sports Music TV 25 MOTOSK8 – FULL SHOW
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A J.S.Edmondson Film TRT-22:00 – 10/2005 First Air Release
See the Action Hear the Music Join the Xcorps!
Action Sports Music TV 25. MOTO SK8 – FULL SHOW – The X Action Sports Music crew rolls coast to coast in this special episode featuring crazy West Coast Action with team MotoSK8 racing gas powered inline skates down scenic California coast Highway 101 as well as bombing the local streets in Encinitas!
Also featured in this show is a trip to the East Coast USA – Xcorps Roots and a look at a music talent factory in a small town in Massachusetts,
This Xcorps show is hosted by the dynamically fun team X duo Roslyn Bradle and Jason Lazo who visit with the full energy Kottonmouth Kings band recording at their label in L.A.
Jason and RoZ open things up from the LA community of Burbank dropping into Suburban NoiZe Records on a Sunday afternoon to see what the punk rap band Kottonmouth Kings have going on!
Band member Daddy X and along with label co founder Kevin Zinger both head up the Sub NoiZe Records label talk about the KMK band and the lifestyle of the original RAD HABIT company SRH – Supporting Radical Habits!
The X Cams follow Jason and Roslyn roaming the labels recording studios hanging with band members DLOC – on crutches from a recent over the top live performance and fellow band member The TAX Man lay down tracks to their new album release.
The show then shifts to the East Coast USA with XC host Jason Lazo visiting his roots hometown in the woods Southbridge Massachusetts where he checks whats up in the New England music scene at the ADC – Artist Development Complex created by local resident and talented musician Ralph Laconto.
Ralph was a force behind the conversion of a Civil War era factory to a creative artist community complex! Dig that local accent Mr. Laconto!
The X cams catch the band Jediah – popping some tunes in the cyber studio complex – talking to the camera about the complex and what it means to this small town the locals call ‘SowBridge’ – which after all made this Xcorps TV show all possible!
Jediah music powered the Xcorps show episode BASE-2 and it was great to get them on Xcorps strumming tunes LIVE in person on the show! Live performance shots of another local music group the Ryan Montbleau Band flavors the hometown segment as well.
Jason then throws it back to the West Cali coast and the X Guru with team MotoSK8 pulling some high rpm 2 stroke moves on their 22.5 cc motorized inline skates putting out a 25 MPH speed thrills!
Sorry the Beep Beep cartoon Road Runner always wins and easily shreds past a MoToSk8 but the Coyote would try these skates!
Eric D talks with rider Dan Brittson about the gas juiced inline fun blades specs and out of the box top speed. Yes folks jam the hand throttle on a MOTOSK8 and these inlines will take you straight uphill!
Only on Xcorps TV will you see the MotoSK8 – a wild form of personal transportation created by Action Sports enthusiast Tim Gendle of California.
More fun in the West Coast sun cruising the Pacific coast along with some smooth stair jumping on the skates along with a look and a listen to the Kotton Mouth Kings new video King Klick. Nice!
After that its back to the Suburban NoiZe Records label offices with Roslyn and Jason for more live music tracks from Tax and Daddy X rapping out another fresh tune for the XC viewers!
This Xcorps episode wraps with Roslyn and J introducing another MotoSK8 speed stunt by skater Bret Thomas and a hit the throttle and tuck race between all wearing the incredible weed whacker powered skates!
Many Thanks to riders Rich Hopkins, Matt Paladini, Dan Brittson, Erin Gendle, and Eric Ducharme for making all this motorized skate action happen!
Mucho thanks as well to Kevin Zinger, Daddy X and Ryan White at Subnoize Records as well as to Eric Ducharme and Don Durban at Planet X.
A J.S.Edmondson Film TRT-22:00 – 10/2005 First Air Release
See the Action Hear the Music Join the Xcorps!
©2015 Thexcorps http://www.xcorpstv.com/
*Watch the FULL XCORPS TV show episode here for FREE!
Xcorps Action Sports Music TV 25 MOTOSK8 – FULL SHOW
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