BEST BEHAVIOR BBTV SERIES – Produced by XCTV Productions.
Funding has begun for a new TV series called BEST BEHAVIOR TV Season 1 – 13 episodes.
End Project Goal 100 episodes.
The primary production goal of this new TV show is to produce 13 cool chill and informative half hour format shows for broadcast TV that include interviews with exceptional people who have exhibited their very Best Behavior to do amazing things!
A TV Production Gathering for Good…BBTV!

*We will be conducting our show interviews in southern California.
Contributors are welcome to work with us as producers to suggest interview subjects for our show and will be given credit for their input.
*All donators will be added to a PRESS LIST to receive BBTV Posters from the show series and photos from the shoots.
Xcorps Productions Presents BEST BEHAVIOR TV –