Hanging with Gerry Lopez in Hawaii and Encinitas California

Xcorps Action Sports TV – Coastal Recon show #6. Gerry Lopez Surfer

Surfing is the focus of this segment of this surf show featuring an exclusive interview with surf legend Gerry Lopez in Encinitas California at the historic La Paloma theater for the 2022 Summer premier release of his new surf film by Stacy Piralta called “The Yin and Yang of Gerry Lopez”. VIDEO at bottom of this page.

Xcorps interviews action sports skateboard ripper and director Peralta talking in front of the Encinitas La Paloma theater about the making of the film and his action sports career.

Also included in this Xcorps show goes to a previous XC shoot in Hawaii on the island of Maui to visit with ‘Pipeline’ surf legend Gerry Lopez at his home to talk about the early days of Pipeline and why he missed the 1st ‘Pipeline Masters’ surf event. Included are clips of fellow surfer Corky Carroll in Huntington Beach Ca with his side of the story!

Also check out Gerry’s Maui home garage where Xcorps cameras find and film the original ‘Lightning Bolt’ surf board from the 1978 Warner Bros. cult movie Big Wednesday starring Gerry Lopez and actors Jan-Michael Vincent, William Katt and Gary Busey.
Gerry Lopez trailer by Patagonia Films.

Board cam Photos by Eric Aeder.
Additional surf photography by: Jeff Divine, Tim Davis, Art Brewer, Dan Merkel, Drew Kampion, James Cassimus, Steve Wilkings.
Special Thanks to Warner Bros., Patagonia, Stacy Peralta, Gerry Lopez and Corky Carroll and the people of Hawaii and the La Paloma Theater crew.

Music by David Huber, The Naked Ones, Sea Lords, Paradyse,
A J.S.Edmondson Film ©2001-2022 The Xcorps
See The Action Hear The Music Join The Xcorps!

Xcorps 8. SURF – The naturally compelling sport of Ocean Surfing is the focus of this episode featuring a surf trip to the notorious island of Todos Santos off Ensenada Mexico and then an exclusive interview with surf legend Gerry Lopez at his home in Maui Hawaii.
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Also on this show Xcorps goes to exotic Hawaii to the island of Maui to visit and talk with ‘Pipeline’ surf legend Gerry Lopez. Gerry talks about the early days of Pipeline and why he missed the 1st ‘Pipeline Masters’ surf event. Included are clips of fellow surfer Corky Carroll in Huntington Beach Ca with his side of the story!
See what the XC CAMS came across covered up hidden on a surf rack in Gerry’s garage!? Yes our cameras filmed the original ‘Lightning Bolt’ surf board from the 1978 Warner Bros. cult movie Big Wednesday starring Gerry and actors Jan-Michael Vincent, William Katt and Gary Busey.
After that it’s back to California where Roslyn opens a segment with The X Guru – Eric Ducharme riding the new SiKK Bike – the worlds smallest motorcycle. Jason closes out the show from Todos Santos with a few more big waves along with a promise of the return of B.A.S.E. jumper Ray Murphy to the next show with his own version of SiKK action- jumping the sheer cliffs of Copper Canyon Mexico! Music by Soul Hooligan/Diana King, Sea Lords, Screamin Seamen, Prom Kings and Chron. Mahalo.
6/2003 release A J.S.Edmondson Film ©2001-2022The Xcorps
See The Action Hear The Music Join The Xcorps!
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