<strong> Xcorps Action Sports Music TV and RIVE Presents BROKEN RAIL Performing their song CALIFORNIA

Xcorps Action Sports Music TV and RIVE Presents Artist BROKEN RAIL
Xcorps Music X PRESS July 2, 2021 San Diego Ca.
NEW XCORPS TV MUSIC Segment Artist Release.
Artist featured in this XCTV Music segment: BROKENRAIL
It’s well know Xcorps TV digs Heavy Rock to POWER the Action and here’s a fine eXample featuring metallic flavored Dallas TeXas based RIVE promoted band BROKEN RAIL delivering their rock ballad titled CALIFORNIA.

BROKENRAIL have seen their music placed on ESPN, NBC Sports and MMA’s World Series of Fighting, have taken home the top honor of Rock / Hard Rock “Album of the Year” at the 2019 Independent Music Awards (IMAs) in New York City for their 2018 album ‘Til Death Do Us Part’, as well as several other nominations across the board and have amassed a legitimate social media presence equaling – even bettering – bands’ with “much bigger careers.”

For BROKENRAIL frontman, Blake Clawson it all comes down to hard work and determination. “I think what really sets us apart is our ability to constantly find a way to step forward regardless of what hand we’re dealt. Time and time again we’ve had situations that would end most bands. We’ve all been in the trenches together for years now and I think it astonishes people how close we are because of it. We’re truly family. Our perseverance though is our greatest asset and is the key that continues to lead us to one success after another.”

Dallas based rockers BROKENRAIL deliver another sonic rock treasure in their third release, Beautiful Chaos, the first upon signing with long running indie powerhouse Cleopatra Records. Back at the production helm is top producer Joseph McQueen (As I Lay Dying, Bad Wolves). “We’ve been working with Joseph now for 8 years” relates frontman Blake Clawson. “We recorded the previous album “’til Death Do Us Part” in the same studio in 2013 which went on to win Rock / Hard Rock “Album of the Year” at the 2019 Independent Music Awards. Joseph and our videographer Alan Collins have known each other for years. They’ve been doing monumental things in the industry across the country and we love them being a part of our team. We all work together perfectly!”
Publisher: Dimension Gate Music
Copyright: Cleopatra Records
Song Producer: Joseph McQueen
Video Production House: Alan Collins Productions
Video Producer: BROKENRAIL

Record Label: CLEOPATRA
Release Date: 2020-11-13
Song Length: 03:29
Album title: BEAUTIFUL
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Music Videos provided by RIVE promotions.

Video Trt:4:11 ©2021 TheXcorps
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